Chapter Meeting – Oct. 19th

Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, We will be holding our next Chapter Meeting on Tuesday October 19th at 6:00 PM at the Pinehurst Village Chapel Hall. The speaker for this Business meeting is President of the Marquis de LaFayette SAR Chapter, Rod Mullen. Rod will presentation will be "Funding the American Revolution". This should be a very [...]

Shaw House Heritage Fair

On October 9th, Compatriots from The Sandhills SAR Chapter were invited to attend The 13th Shaw House Heritage Fair, sponsored by the Moore County Historical Association. We had the pleasure of meeting many fine folks that stopped by to ask questions about the Sons of the American Revolution and to discuss the Revolutionary War events [...]

Welcome Compatriot Entwistle

Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, We learned today that the SAR Application for James M. Entwistle of Rockingham, NC was Approved on October 10, 2021. The Entwistle family's Revolutionary War Patriot is Walter Leake. Compatriot James M. Entwistle Congratulations and Welcome to the Sandhills SAR Chapter! Also, The SAR Application for Sandhills Associate member, Stephen Gent of [...]

Old North State Newsletter

Sandhills Compatriots, Please see the latest News from the State Society Secretary, Bob Sigmon, that contains the link to the Fall Edition of the Old North State Newsletter from the North Carolina SAR State Society. Breaking News: This newsletter contains the announcement from the National SAR Society regarding the decision (Fall Leadership Conference) that [...]

Sandhills Chapter 1st year Charter Anniversary Dinner

Fellow Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, I wanted to share some highlights and pictures from our Sandhills Chapter 1st year Charter Anniversary Dinner last Tuesday. This was a very enjoyable and interesting evening for us all. We proudly inducted and welcomed three new SAR Compatriots into our chapter. We are so happy to see all the SAR [...]

13th Shaw House Heritage Fair – Saturday October 9th

On Saturday, October 9th, our Sandhills SAR Chapter will attend this historic and patriotic event at the 13th Shaw House Heritage Fair in Southern Pines. See the Announcement below. This will be a great opportunity for us to meet, interact with the public, and inform them about the principles, mission, and goals of the SAR. [...]

Sandhills Chapter Compatriot Rod Herbig conducts US Flag Etiquette Class

On September 28th 2021, Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriot and Chapter Vice President Rod Herbig conducted a US Flag Etiquette class at the Yates-Thagard Baptist Church in Carthage, NC with 30 Children of the Christian Home Educators of Moore County. Compatriot Herbig presented the origin and history of the US Flag, its evolution during the Revolutionary [...]