The North Carolina SAR Society held the 2022 Summer – Board of Managers meeting held on Saturday (8-22) at the NC State University Club in Raleigh.
It was announced at the 2022 SAR National Congress in Savannah that the Sandhills Chapter won the President General’s Educational Outreach Streamer and Certificate (1,415 Points) and The Partners in Patriotism Certificate for our Patriotic and Veterans outreach during 2021 – 2022. The Streamer for our Chapter SAR Flag and National Certificates were presented during the meeting.
Our chapter also ranked 8th in the Nation (Chapters with 40 or less Compatriots) for Americanism activities and Fully qualified in All Americanism and President General’s Streamer Categories.
I provided a photo of the President’s General’s Streamer below for you to see. I have attached copies of the TWO National Award Certificates for you to enjoy.
These National SAR Recognition Awards are a result of our team of Sandhills Compatriots working on our established committees throughout this past year. 2021 was our First Full Year of reporting chapter activity data that we submitted through the SAR Americanism Report in January.
Our Chapter has now grown to 40 Compatriots in nearly two years, with two New SAR Applications at National awaiting approval. We all need to help with our chapter growth into our future and that we will enjoy your active involvement in our committees this year, so that we will qualify for more SAR recognition next year. Let’s target to be in the top 6 chapters in the Nation for our chapter size.
Congratulations and Well Done!
Thank You ALL for your Commitment, Work, and Support of our SAR Chapter.