Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sandhills Chapter Compatriots and Family, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthful and Prosperous New Year. I want to thank you all for your active participation and support this past year that helped us accomplish many of our chapter goals and obligations to the Sons of the American Revolution. If you haven't already [...]

Veterans at Tara Plantation Nursing Home

Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, I want to share these photos of three US Military Veterans that my wife and I visited on 12-20-22 at the Tara Plantation Nursing Home, in Carthage, NC. We had 4 extra Poinsettia Plants from our Chapter Dinner on the 13th and thought they would make a nice Christmas gift for our [...]

Boy Scout Troop 98, US Federal Flag Code Class

Boy Scout Troop 98, US Federal Flag Code Class The Boy Scouts of the Troop 98 Lodge in West End, NC attended a US Federal Flag Code Class presented by Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriot Rod Herbig. Mr Herbig is an Eagle Scout and past Boy Scout Leader for many years in Illinois. Compatriot Herbig included [...]

American History Classes with Mrs. Wolfe

The West End Elementary School History Teacher - Mrs. Wolfe’s, 5th – Grade, American History Classes On November 21, 2022, Mrs. Debbie McMurry – The Alfred Moore DAR Chapter – Registrar, Mrs. Harriet Riley – Past Regent of the Alfred Moore DAR Chapter, and Bruce Fensley – Sandhills SAR Chapter – President, collaborated to develop [...]

SAR Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony – Nathan Stedman III

                                      SAR Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony                                                   Nathan Stedman III            On November 19, 2022, Compatriots of the Sandhills SAR Chapter, were joined by family descendants of the American Revolutionary War Patriot Nathan Stedman III, SAR Compatriot Bob Sigmon and Gary Spencer of the NCSSAR Color Guard, Compatriots and President Richard Pena of [...]