Fellow Compatriots,
Sandhills SAR Chapter continues to grow.
At our July 20th Chapter meeting, we conducted a SAR Induction Ceremony for Sandhills Compatriot Hayden Fogle of Aberdeen, NC. Hayden is currently serving on active duty in the USAF. Hayden’s family Revolutionary War Patriot is Pvt. John Miller who served in the Maryland Militia.
Please welcome Hayden to our Chapter.
Also at our July Chapter meeting, we received a very generous donation of a Kentucky Long Rifle and case, from Gunsmith Matthew Mutarelli for use in the Sandhills Chapter Color Guard. Matthew is the Gunsmith Instructor at Montgomery Community College. Please thank Mattew for his generosity.
Lastly, we want to remind you that Our Sandhills SAR Chapter will be sponsoring the 240th House in The Horseshoe Battle Anniversary Ceremony on Saturday, August 7th at the Alston House Site at 10:00 to 12:00 PM. This is a North Carolina State SAR Society event. Many chapters of the North Carolina SAR, DAR, and a CAR Chapter will also participate in honoring our North Carolina Revolutionary War Patriots.
Please share this Sunday’s Pilot article below with your friends and family that would be interested. We hope to see you there.
Fraternally Yours, Bruce Fensley – Sandhills SAR Chapter – President