February 2025 Dinner Meeting
The Sandhills SAR Chapter gathered for a special President’s Day Dinner Meeting at the historic Pine Crest Inn on February 18, 2025, celebrating patriotism and community service. During the evening, the chapter honored several dedicated members for their contributions, including Bruce Fensley, Chuck Spelman, Ruth Doan, and Larrissa Glassman. The event also welcomed new inductees—Dallas [...]
The 243st Anniversary – House In the Horseshoe
The 243rd Commemoration of House in the Horseshoe was conducted on Saturday, August 3rd 2024. In attendance were 13 SAR chapters including 2 from Virginia and 1 from Texas, 6 DAR chapters and Children of the American Revolution. 24 wreaths were presented in honor of the commemoration. Photographs courtesy of Compatriot Bryon Campbell The event [...]
The 243st Anniversary of the Attack at the House In the Horseshoe
The 243stAnniversary of the Attack at the House In the Horseshoe - August 03, 2024 All Welcome The Sandhills Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all to join us for a day of living history and a patriotic ceremony to honor the 242nd Anniversary of the attack at The Historic Alston [...]
Sandhills Chapter SAR Public Service Award: Southern Pines Police Department
Sandhills Chapter SAR Public Service Award: Southern Pines Police Department On April 11, 2024, Sandhills Chapter President Mike Saulnier and Compatriot Mark Public Service Committee Chairman Townsen attended a Law Enforcement Awards Ceremony at the Southern Pines Police Station. Patrolman Wessman was presented with the SAR Law Enforcement Medal and Certificate. Photo L to [...]
Troop 98 Eagle Scout Recognition
The Sandhills SAR Chapter recently recognized two Eagle Scouts from Troop 98 West End, William Hill and Jackson Hill. William’s Eagle project was organizing a blood drive for the Seven Lakes community. Jackson’s Eagle project was building bookshelves for the Bethesda Presbyterian Church library. Congratulations to both Eagle Scouts! Photo Left to Right: Steve Lawrence, [...]
June 18th, 2024 Chapter Dinner
Chapter Members and guests attended our Chapter Dinner on June 18th, 2024 at the Pinecrest Inn. We hosted 41 attendees, including representation from 4 DAR Chapters, and a visitor from another SAR chapter, and a successful 50/50 raffle conducted by the WOSAR. Amanda Brantley receiving a certificate of appreciation for her presentation ““Our Forgotten Founding [...]
Chapter Color Guard Presents at Sandhills Motoring Expo
Our color guard attended the Sandhills Motoring Expo, an annual Concours Car Show that takes place in the Village of Pinehurst over Memorial Day Weekend. Our color guard presented the colors during their opening ceremonies.
249th Commemoration of the Liberty Point Resolves
Our color guard attended the 249th Commemoration of the Liberty Point Resolves in Fayetteville, NC on 22 Jun 24 supporting the Le Marquis de Lafayette Chapter. Our color guard participants were: Bill Loeser Bruce Fensley Steve Gent Bryon Campbell President Mike Saulnier also attended and presented the chapter wreath,
Jack Castleberry, BSA Troop # 7, Awarded the SAR Eagle Scout Medal and Certificate
Jack Castleberry, BSA Troop # 7, Awarded the SAR Eagle Scout Medal and Certificate (L-R) Sandhills SAR Compatriot Steve Lawrence, Eagle Scout Jack Castleberry On January 23rd, Sandhills SAR Chapter, BSA Eagle Scout Committee Chairman, Steve Lawrence, attended the Troop# 7 Honor Court in Pinehurst, NC to present Jack Castleberry of Pinehurst with the Sons [...]
Sandhills SAR Chapter Recognizes Two Eagle Scouts with Medals and Certificates
Sandhills SAR Chapter Recognizes Two Eagle Scouts with Medals and Certificates Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, Bruce Fensley – President and Eagle Scout Committee Chairman- Steve Lawrence attended two Boy Scout Honor Courts to present the Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout Medals and Certificates to recognize the Outstanding achievement of two Moore County Boy Scouts. [...]
Chapter – New Slate of Officers for 2024
Sandhills Compatriots, Our New Sandhills Chapter Slate of Officers took the SAR Oath of Office delivered by COL Army (Ret.) Pat Niemann (NCSSAR District #3 - Vice President ) during our Christmas Dinner on December 5th. Our new slate of Chapter Officers are: President - Army COL (Ret.) Mike Saulnier - Southern Pines, NC Vice President [...]
Sandhills Chapter Awards
Sandhills Chapter Awards Sandhills Chapter VP, Mike Saulnier, represented the Sandhills Chapter at the NC State SAR Society Board of Managers Meeting on September 30th in Raleigh and received the 2023 Sandhills Chapter SAR Awards that were awarded at the 2023 SAR National Congress in Orlando, FL. Our Sandhills Chapter received the following SAR National [...]
October Chapter Meeting 10/17
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, I hope that you all enjoyed our "Constitution Week" Observation Dinner on September 19th at the Pinecrest Inn. Paul Herrington did a great job organizing the arrangements and I know that we all had a great time. We will be conducting our October Chapter meeting on Tuesday, October 17th, 6:00PM, at the [...]
Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriots attend Gen. William Henry Harrington DAR Meeting.
Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriots attend Gen. William Henry Harrington DAR Meeting - 09/06/2023 Five Sandhills Chapter Compatriots traveled to Rockingham, NC to attend the September Meeting of the General Henry William Harrington DAR Chapter. NCSDAR Regent, Anna Baird Choi attended this meeting and presented an interesting program about “Crime and Punishment in Colonial America”. Anna [...]
NCSSAR Summer Board of Managers (BOM) Mtg.
September 30th, 2023 NCSSAR Summer Board of Managers (BOM) Mtg. 11:00 AM NC State University Club 4200 Hillsborough ST. Raleigh, NC 27606 Please see the Full meeting details, Registration, & RSVP on the NCSSAR Calendar website. Compatriots, I have attached our 2023 Sandhills Chapter BOM Report for your review. We will submit this report to [...]
September Sandhills SAR Chapter Dinner
September 19th 5:00 PM Pine Crest Inn The Sandhills SAR Chapter, 3rd Anniversary of receiving our SAR Charter and the Constitution Week commemoration Dinner. If you haven't already responded to the Sept 19th Dinner Invitation sent out by Paul Herrington, please do so very soon. I have attached the Dinner Invitation, menu, details for your use. Our [...]
The 242nd Anniversary Commemoration of the House in the Horseshoe Battle
The 242nd Anniversary Commemoration of the House in the Horseshoe Battle On a warm Saturday morning, on July 29th, Compatriots of the Sandhills SAR Chapter sponsored the 242nd Anniversary Commemoration of the Revolutionary War Battle of the House in the Horseshoe at the Alston House Historic site in Sandford, NC. Compatriots from 10 North Carolina [...]
The 242st Anniversary of the Attack at the House In the Horseshoe- July 29th
All Welcome The Sandhills Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all to join us for a day of living history and a patriotic ceremony to honor the 242nd Anniversary of the attack at The Historic Alston House or “The House in the Horseshoe”. The Alston House is located at 288 Alston [...]
Color Guard at the Sandhills Motoring Festival
On Sunday, May 27th, the Sandhills Chapter Color Guard Compatriots, Bruce Fensley, Bill Loeser, Ramsey Blanks, and Steve Gent served as the Color Guard for the Sandhills Motoring Festival's Concours in the Village. The Color Guard presented the colors during the opening ceremony which included an invocation and the National Anthem.
Pinehurst Village Chapel
5-29-23 - Pinehurst Village Chapel Members of the Sandhills Chapter MOAA and the SAR Chapter joined together on Monday to conduct the 2023 Memorial Day Observance Service at the Pinehurst Village Chapel. MOAA President, Army COL (Ret) Don Goss led the Patriotic Program that included; Bagpiper Peter McArthur, 82nd ABN Brass Quintet, Sandhills SAR Color [...]
JROTC Richmond Senior High School
Richmond Senior High School, Rockingham, NC Sandhills Chapter Veterans Recognition Committee Chairman and JROTC Liaison Officer, Army MAJ (Ret) Chuck Spelman and Chapter President Bruce Fensley attended the Richmond Sr. High School JROTC Chapter (Raiders) Annual Awards Dinner and Change of Command Ceremony to present the SAR JROTC Outstanding Cadet Medal Set to Cadet Johnathan [...]
Union Pines High School JROTC Awards and Change of Command Ceremony
Union Pines High School JROTC Awards and Change of Command Ceremony Sandhills Chapter Veterans Recognition Committee Chairman and JROTC Liaison Officer, Army MAJ (Ret) Chuck Spelman and Chapter President Bruce Fensley attended the Union Pines High School JROTC Chapter Annual Awards Ceremony and the Change of Command Ceremony to present the SAR JROTC Outstanding Cadet [...]
Joel Lane – SAR Partriot Grave Marking
Sandhills Compatriots, On Saturday(4-27-23), Compatriots of the Sandhills Color Guard traveled to the City Cemetery in Raleigh to participate in the SAR Patriot Grave Marking for LTC Joel Lane (P-232900) "The Founding Father of the City of Raleigh. in 1792, Joel Lane sold 1,000 acres to the State of North Carolina for the purpose of [...]
Sandhills Chapter SAR Public Service Awards – Pinehurst Fire Department
On March 28, 2023, Sandhills Compatriots; Mark Townsend and Mike Saulnier (Public Service Committee Chairmen), Rod Herbig, and Bruce Fensley were invited to the Pinehurst Village Council Meeting, by Pinehurst Fire Chief – Carlton Cole, to present the SAR Public Service Awards to outstanding Pinehurst Fire Department employees. (L to R) Bruce Fensley, Battalion Chief [...]
250th Birthday Celebration of The Alston House
On March 25, 2023, The Sandhills SAR Chapter Color Guard joined with the Daughters of the Alfred Moore DAR Chapter and members of the Alston House Association to participate in the 250th Birthday Celebration held at The Alston House (House In The Horseshoe) in Sanford, NC. Color Guard Members (L to R). Rod Herbig, Bill [...]
March 2023 Sandhills Chapter Meeting
The March meeting speaker was Union Pines JROTC Program – Naval Cadet LCDR McKylee Wilkerson. Cadet Wilkerson gave an excellent PowerPoint presentation to inform our Compatriots about the Union Pines JROTC Program; Objectives, Goals, Awards, and unit accomplishments. Cadet Wilkerson has received an appointment to West Point, for the fall of 2023. Sandhills Chapter Vice [...]
Sandhills Chapter SAR Public Service Award – Southern Pines Law Enforcement
On March 15, 2023- Sandhills Chapter Vice President and Public Service Committee Co-Chairman Mike Saulnier and Compatriot Rod Herbig attended a Law Enforcement Awards Ceremony at the Southern Pines Police Station. Patrolman Wessman was presented with the SAR Law Enforcement Medal and Certificate. Officer Wessman is being recognized for being a proactive officer, who has [...]
The 241st Anniversary of the Guilford Courthouse Battle
Sandhills Chapter Compatriots; Victor Burns, Bruce Fensley, Steve Gent, Jack Laflin, and Bill Loeser attended the 241st Anniversary Ceremony of the Guilford Courthouse Battle in Greensboro, NC to present a Memorial Wreath and participate in the National Color Guard Unit.
America250: The People of North Carolina in the American Revolution
Please see this announcement from our Sandhills Chapter Genealogist, Victor Burns, about a North Carolina Genealogy Event on May 20th, being held at the NC State Archives in Raleigh, by the North Carolina Genealogy Society. As you can see, This event will focus on “the People of North Carolina in the American Revolution. It should be […]
April 18th, 2023 Chapter Meeting Updates
If you weren’t able to attend the Chapter Meeting Last Night here is a list of the upcoming SAR Events. A suggestion was made to send the list out to all our Compatriots. See Below. Also, If you are still interested in obtaining a 2026 SAR Congress Commemorative Medal set for $23.00, Please let me […]
George Washington’s Birthday Dinner Meeting
Sandhills SAR Chapter - 2-21-23 George Washington’s Birthday Dinner Meeting Sandhills Chapter Compatriot and SAR Veterans Recognition Committee Chairman, Pat Niemann, presented the SAR War Service Medal and Certificate to Compatriots Dr. Michael Marsh and LTC – William Carl for their National Service during the Vietnam War. (Pictured L to R) : Compatriots Bruce Fensley, [...]
Sandhills Chapter Community Service Awards to Southern Pines Fire Department
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, Please follow the link below to the Pilot "On-Line" Article to read about our SAR Community Service awards Ceremony to 8 Southern Pines Fire Department Heroes and Life Saving personnel. Sandhills Compatriots, Mike Saulnier, Mark Townsend, Rod Herbig, and Bruce Fensley attended the Awards Ceremony at the Southern Pines Fire House to present these SAR [...]
Boy Scout Troop 852 – Eagle Scout Court Of Honor
Boy Scout Troop 852 (Carthage, NC) Eagle Scout Court Of Honor On January 6, 2023 , Sandhills SAR Chapter ,Eagle Scout Committee Chairman, Steve Lawrence and Chapter President Bruce Fensley attended an Eagle Scout Honor Court at Boy Scout Troop 852 in Carthage, NC to present Jameson Rembert with the Sons of the American Revolution [...]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sandhills Chapter Compatriots and Family, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthful and Prosperous New Year. I want to thank you all for your active participation and support this past year that helped us accomplish many of our chapter goals and obligations to the Sons of the American Revolution. If you haven't already [...]
Veterans at Tara Plantation Nursing Home
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, I want to share these photos of three US Military Veterans that my wife and I visited on 12-20-22 at the Tara Plantation Nursing Home, in Carthage, NC. We had 4 extra Poinsettia Plants from our Chapter Dinner on the 13th and thought they would make a nice Christmas gift for our [...]
Boy Scout Troop 98, US Federal Flag Code Class
Boy Scout Troop 98, US Federal Flag Code Class The Boy Scouts of the Troop 98 Lodge in West End, NC attended a US Federal Flag Code Class presented by Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriot Rod Herbig. Mr Herbig is an Eagle Scout and past Boy Scout Leader for many years in Illinois. Compatriot Herbig included [...]
American History Classes with Mrs. Wolfe
The West End Elementary School History Teacher - Mrs. Wolfe’s, 5th – Grade, American History Classes On November 21, 2022, Mrs. Debbie McMurry – The Alfred Moore DAR Chapter – Registrar, Mrs. Harriet Riley – Past Regent of the Alfred Moore DAR Chapter, and Bruce Fensley – Sandhills SAR Chapter – President, collaborated to develop [...]
SAR Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony – Nathan Stedman III
SAR Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony Nathan Stedman III On November 19, 2022, Compatriots of the Sandhills SAR Chapter, were joined by family descendants of the American Revolutionary War Patriot Nathan Stedman III, SAR Compatriot Bob Sigmon and Gary Spencer of the NCSSAR Color Guard, Compatriots and President Richard Pena of [...]
November 15th Chapter Meeting
Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, Our Monthly Chapter meeting will be held on November 15th, Tuesday, 6:00 PM, at the Pinehurst Village Chapel. This will be a business meeting with business casual dress. Our Speaker will be Compatriot Victor Burns who will present the story of his Revolutionary War Patriot, Nathan Stedman III. This is a very [...]
Veterans Day 2022
2022 Veterans Day Sandhills Compatriots, Please remember that today is The Veterans Day Holiday. Be sure to display your American Flag at your home in remembrance of our American Veteran Heroes. Our Color Guard Participated in and Presented a Sandhills Chapter [...]
In Memory of Our Veterans America’s First Veterans
In Memory of Our Veterans America's First Veterans A William Alston (P- 103084) LT. William Andrews Jr. (P-103956) Arthur Arrington (P-104836) B Sgt. Ephraim Bates (P-110708) William Battle Jr. (P-110905) William Battle Sr. (P-110904) Pvt. Samuel Bell (P-334610) Pvt. Seth Berray (P-113822) Pvt. John Brayten [...]
2022 Sandhills SAR Chapter Wreaths Across America Program
Compatriots and friends, Our Sandhills Chapter Wreaths Across America sponsorship is currently less than half of what it was last year (2021- 64 Wreaths) and we only have 35 days to go. We need all the help we can get at this point. The price to sponsor a wreath this year is the same $15.00 as [...]
2023 Sandhills Chapter – 2023 Annual Dues Notice Reminder
Sandhills Compatriots, I hope that you are proud to be a member of our Sandhills SAR Chapter and approve of our; Patriotic, Veteran, Youth, and Community Service accomplishments this past year. At the 2022 SAR Congress in Savannah, we were ranked as the 8th Best Small chapter in the United States after one year. We [...]
Revolutionary War Patriot – Grave Marking – Nov. 19th
Revolutionary War Patriot - Grave Marking Patriot - Nathan Stedman III November 19th, 2022 The Compatriots of the Sandhills SAR Chapter will be conducting our First Revolutionary War Patriot Grave Marking on November 19th. Please see the Ceremony and Dedication announcement below. At 11:00 AM, there will be a church service, followed by the nearby [...]
US Flag Field of Honor Veterans Observance
SAR Compatriots, The Vietnam Veterans Chapter (966) creates a Flag Field of Honor (300+) Patriotic Remembrance each year to Honor US Military Veterans for their Veterans Day Observation (Nov. 6th, at 2:00 PM) at the West End Fire and Rescue Building (Intersection of NC 211 and NC 73). If you are free this Thursday (11-03),10 to [...]
October Sandhills Chapter Mtg. 10-18-22 – Reminder
Fellow Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, Our Chapter October Business Meeting is next Tuesday, October 18th, at 6:00 PM at the Pinehurst Village Chapel. The Agenda: - September Dinner Meeting Minutes - Approval (See Attached) - Officer and Committee Reports. - Chapter Elections We have 3 Chapter Officer Positions up election (Term-Jan. 2023- Dec 2024) [...]
2023 Sandhills Chapter – 2023 Annual Dues Notice
Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriots, I want to thank you all for your continued support and participation with the Sandhills SAR Chapter and to the Sons of the American Revolution this past year. We hope that you all enjoyed following our SAR activities, Patriotic & Veteran events, Youth Awards, Quarterly Dinners, and the Community Service Recognitions this [...]
Save the Date – Grave Marker Dedication Nov. 19th
Sandhills Chapter National Society Sons of the American Revolution Nathan Alexander Stedman 3rd Revolutionary War Privateer Grave Marker Dedication Pittsboro United Methodist Church 71 West St, Pittsboro, NC 27312 November 19, 2022 11:00 AM
The National POW-MIA Recognition Day is Friday 9/16/22
The National POW-MIA Recognition Day is Friday, September 16, 2022 The Vietnam Veterans Chapter 966 (West End) will conduct a POW-MIA Remembrance Ceremony on Saturday September 17th, 11:00 AM at the Veterans Memorial Park in Carthage,NC. Our Sandhills Chapter will present a SAR Patriotic Memorial Wreath in respect for our Veterans and in recognition for their [...]
2022 SAR Congress Results – Sandhills Chapter Wins Two National Awards!
The North Carolina SAR Society held the 2022 Summer - Board of Managers meeting held on Saturday (8-22) at the NC State University Club in Raleigh. It was announced at the 2022 SAR National Congress in Savannah that the Sandhills Chapter won the President General's Educational Outreach Streamer and Certificate (1,415 Points) and The Partners in Patriotism Certificate [...]
Eagle Scout Honor Court at Troop 98
Sandhills Chapter Compatriots attended an Eagle Scout Honor Court at Troop 98 Scout Lodge in West End, NC to present the SAR Eagle Scout Medal and Certificate to Eagle Scout, Joshua Manning of Whispering Pines, NC. Joshua worked to raise the funds and materials to build a deck and bench for the folks of the Village [...]
241st House in the Horseshoe Ceremony
241st House in the Horseshoe Ceremony The following photos were taken Saturday, August 6th, 2022 at the Alston House during the 241st House in the Horseshoe Ceremony Our House in the Horseshoe Committee Chairman and Chapter Secretary, Mike Fusselbaugh conducted a very well planned and perfectly executed patriotic program. Thank you to all who contributed [...]
Sandhills Chapter Presents Two SAR Eagle Scout Awards
Sandhills Chapter Presents Two SAR Eagle Scout Awards A BSA Honor Court was held at Troop 98 Boy Scout Lodge in West End, NC to recognize Charles Hill and Samuel Wicker of Moore County for achieving their Eagle Scout. Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriots, Stephen Lawrence - Eagle Scout Committee - Chairman and Chapter President Bruce [...]
The 241st Anniversary of the Attack at the House In the Horseshoe
The 241st Anniversary of the Attack at the House In the Horseshoe All Are Welcome! The Sandhills Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all to join us for a day of living history and a patriotic ceremony to honor the 241st Anniversary of the attack at The Historic Alston House or [...]
Revolutionary War – Spy Craft – Sandhills Compatriot, Dr. Mike Marsh
The Guest Speaker at the May 17th Sandhills SAR Chapter Meeting was Sandhills Compatriot, Dr. Michael Marsh. Topic- “Revolutionary War Spy Craft”. How Washington created and benefited from a network of Spies and Methods that was used to communicate, monitor British plans, and assess British strengths and weaknesses. One of Washington’s most effective methods during [...]
Sandhills Color Guard – Temperance Smith Alston DAR Annual Meeting Ceremony
Sandhills Chapter Compatriots and Color Guard Unit was invited to attended the Temperance Smith Alston(TSA) DAR Chapter (Pinehurst) Annual Awards and Recognition meeting on May 21st, at the Pinehurst Country Club. The Sandhills Chapter Color Guard Unit presented the colors during the opening ceremony. NCDAR State Regent – Anna Baird Choi attended and participated in [...]
Sandhills Chapter Compatriot Rod Herbig Receives DAR National Award
Sandhills Chapter Charter Compatriot, Rod Herbig of Pinehurst received a surprise DAR National Award Medal and Certificate for Excellence in Community Service from Regent Jacqueline Wade of The Temperance Smith Alston DAR Chapter, at their annual Awards and Recognition Meeting at the Pinehurst Country Club. Rod has received many SAR Medals and Awards throughout his [...]
Sandhills Chapter Presents the SAR Outstanding Cadet JROTC Medal and Award Certificate
On May 18th, Sandhills Chapter Compatriots MAJ (Ret) Charles Spelman - Veterans Recognition & JROTC Committee Chairman and Bruce Fensley - Sandhills Chapter President visited the Richmond Sr. High School in Rockingham, NC, to attend a “Dine In – Dine Out” JROTC “Raiders” Awards Ceremony that was hosted by the JROTC Commander, Major (Army) Darryl [...]
Sandhills Chapter Honor Three Eagle Scouts of Troop 98 in West End, NC
On Sunday June 5, 2022, Compatriots of The Sandhills SAR Chapter joined a Boy Scout Court of Honor with the Scouts of Troop 98, their families, friends, Scout Leaders, and representatives of other Patriotic organizations to present Three Outstanding young men with the Sons of the American Revolution, Eagle Scout Medals and Certificates. Their Eagle [...]
Pinehurst WW II Veteran, Dr. Jack Duaner, Receives The French Legion of Honor Award
On June 1st 2022, Compatriots from the Sandhills SAR Chapter attended the Presentation Ceremony of the French Legion of Honor Award, by the Consul General of France, Mr. Vincent Hommeril, to US World War II Army Veteran, Dr. Jack Duaner (Pinehurst, NC). Jack Duaner entered US military service in 1943, landed in Normandy in 1944 [...]
Moore County Revolutionary Patriot Grave site located
Sandhills Compatriot, MAJ (Ret) Chuck Spelman and Chairman of our Veterans Recognition Committee has located the gravesite of Moore County Revolutionary War Patriot, Lt. Thomas Matthews in Vass,NC. This search has been ongoing for well over a year. Kudos to Chuck for his personal tenacity and staying focused on finding this Patriot. Chuck spent many [...]
Chapter Dinner – June 20th
Sandhills SAR Chapter Dinner Monday June 20, 2022 Pine Crest Inn 50 Dogwood Road, Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-6121 We are pleased to invite you to our second quarterly dinner of 2022. It should be a fun and interesting dinner with a few surprises. Please feel free to bring your spouse/guest. Included are the meal [...]
Aberdeen Police Lt. Jesse J. Smith Receives The Sandhills SAR Chapter Heroism Award
On May 23, 2022, Members of the Sandhills SAR Chapter were honored to be invited to the Town of Aberdee Board of Commissioners Meeting by Mayor Robert Farrell, to present the Sandhills Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution Heroism Medal and Certificate to Aberdeen Police Lieutenant Jesse J. Smith. Lt. Jesse Smith was [...]
Memorial Day Observance
Please remember that Sandhills Chapter will be participating in the 2022 Memorial Day Observance 11:00 AM on Saturday, (5-28th) at the Moore County Veterans Park in Carthage, NC. Sandhills chapter will be presenting a Memorial Wreath that was generously donated by one of our Sandhills Compatriots. Thank You. We hope that you are able to attend this Remembrance and [...]
Town of Southern Pines SAR Law Enforcement and Fire Safety Public Service Awards
(Pictured Above Lt to Rt) Reagan Parsons – Southern Pines Town Manager, Mike Cameron - Southern Pines Fire Chief, Kenneth Skipper - Asst. Fire Chief - Recipient of the SAR Fire Safety Medal, Bruce Fensley- Sandhills Chapter President, SGT. Jason Perry – Recipient of the SAR Law Enforcement Medal, Nick Polidori – Chief of Police, [...]
Sandhills SAR Chapter Installs Containers to Collect Retired U.S. Flags
Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Sandhills Chapter Compatriot, Army Maj. (Ret.) Charles Spelman, of Seven Lakes, designed and built several containers to collect retired weather-worn U.S. flags that are no longer a satisfactory emblem to display. Spelman is also chairman of the Sandhills SAR Chapter Veterans Recognition Committee. One these containers was placed in [...]
Union Pines High School Naval JROTC Awards Ceremony
5-12-2022 Union Pines High School Naval JROTC Awards Ceremony Yesterday, Sandhills Chapter JROTC Committee Chairman, (MAJ) Ret. Chuck Spelman and I attended the Union Pines High School Naval JROTC Awards and Change of Command Ceremony during their Unit Assembly. Many other Patriotic and Veterans Organization were in attendance. We presented the SAR Outstanding JROTC Medal [...]
Chapter Meeting Agenda – May 17th at 6pm
Sandhills Chapter SAR Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Pinehurst Village Chapel 10 Azeala Rd. Pinehurst, NC 28374 Call to Order: 6:00 PM Invocation – Jack Almighty and everlasting God, we humbly beseech You to give us the constant assistance of Your Holy Spirit so that we may commit ourselves to the fulfillment of [...]
Chapter Meeting Reminder – May 17th at 6pm
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, Please mark your calendars for the May Sandhills SAR Chapter Monthly Mtg. Tuesday, May 17th, 6:00 PM at the Pinehurst Village Chapel Hall. We have a full agenda for this meeting. Our Speaker for this meeting is Sandhills Compatriot Mike Marsh. Who will present his Revolutionary Spycraft Program Abstract for Mike's [...]
Save the Date – Searching for your Patriots – April 19th
SAVE THE DATE Searching For Your Patriots Tuesday, April 19th 2022 Sandhills SAR Chapter Meeting 6:00 PM Pinehurst Village Chapel Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, Since receiving our SAR Charter in 2020, we have been working to make arrangements to conduct a genealogy search training class for our Compatriots and Chapter Associates, who are working on their [...]
The Old Scotch Cemetery Clean-Up
On Saturday March 19th, Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, joined with Members of the Moore County Historical Association to continue the cemetery clean-up at the Old Scotch Cemetery in Carthage. This old and historic cemetery contains many graves from the 18th and 19th Century. We are hoping to locate the grave sites of more Revolutionary War Patriots [...]
225th Anniversary Ceremony of Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church
On Saturday March 26 2022, Members of the Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, Color Guardsmen, and Daughters of the General Henry William Harrington DAR Chapter participated in the 225th Year Anniversary Church Ceremony of the founding of the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church in Laurinburg, NC. Mr Matt Mutarelli – Veterans Arms LLC, (Montgomery CC Gunsmith Instructor) created [...]
Sandhills Chapter SAR Presents SAR Eagle Scout Award to Nathan Auman
On February 13, 2022, The Sandhills Chapter of The Sons of the American Revolution, presented an Eagle Scout Medal and Certificate to Nathan Auman at a Troop 98 Court of Honor Ceremony. Members of Nathan’s Family, Friends, past Troop 98 leaders, and the Scouts of Troop 98 assembled to participate in this honor to Nathan’s [...]
Chapter Meeting Reminder – Feb. 15th at 6pm
Chapter Meeting Reminder Just a short note to remind you all that our February Chapter meeting is February 15th, Tuesday evening, 6:00 PM, at the Pinehurst Village Chapel in Pinehurst, NC This Washington's Birthday Observance will include our guest speaker, Compatriot Franklin Merrell, a very interesting speaker to share the story about "Washington's Spies" with [...]
The Passing of SAR Compatriot Vic McMurry
Sadly, Sandhills SAR Compatriot, Vic McMurry, peacefully passed away at home surrounded by his loving family in West End, NC , on Friday evening January 28th. Please keep Vic's wife Debbie and his family in your prayers. God Bless and keep our Compatriot and good friend. Rest In Peace, Compatriot McMurry Victor G McMurry, 80, [...]
SAR Upcoming Chapter Meeting – “Washington’s Spies Presentation”
The Compatriots of the Sandhills Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, invites the public to join their George Washington’s Birthday Celebration meeting, at the Pinehurst Village Chapel, to hear the story about the spy network that George Washington used to keep informed about British plans to defeat the Continental Army and crush the [...]
Sandhills Chapter Compatriot Jack Laflin in search of a Life Saving Kidney Donor
SAR Compatriots, Sandhills Chapter Registrar and member of the Color Guard is struggling with kidney failure and is search of a life saving kidney donor through the Duke Hospital Program. Please see The Pilot Newspaper Article below with the key information about Jack’s medical and contact information. Please share this notice and information with family, [...]
Respectful US Flag Retirement Program
Respectful US Flag Retirement Program Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriot, Army MAJ (Ret.) Charles (Chuck) Spelman of Seven Lakes, NC, designed and built two containers (Pictured Below) for the Public to use to retire weather worn US Flags. Chuck is also the Chairman of the Sandhills Chapter Veterans Recognition Committee. One these containers was placed in [...]
Wreaths Across America
The Temperance S. Alston DAR Chapter has asked the Sandhills SAR Chapter to become a Co-Sponsor for the Wreaths Across America program here in Moore County. Wreaths Across America - The Story Wreaths Across America was founded by Morrill Worcester of Harrington, Maine. When he was a 12 year old paperboy, he won a [...]
Vietnam Veterans Field of Honor Ceremony
Sunday November 7th, Vietnam Veterans Field of Honor Ceremony Members of the Sandhills SAR Chapter participated in The Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 966 (Moore County) Sponsored the Annual - Field Of Honor- Veterans Day Ceremony, at the West End Fire Dept. Chapter 966 of the Vietnam Veterans of America created a Field of Honor [...]
Sandhills MOAA Veterans Day Memorial Ceremony
Members of the Sandhills Chapter attended the Sandhills MOAA Veterans Day Memorial Ceremony at the Community Presbyterian Church in Pinehurst. Our Union Pines JROTC Unit did an impressive presentation of the Color for the Ceremony. Rev. Rod Stone opened the ceremony with his Invocation, followed by Boy Scout Alexander Goss led the assembly with the [...]
MOAA Veteran’s Day Ceremony
The Sandhills Chapter of the MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) will be holding a Veteran’s Day Memorial Ceremony on Thursday Nov. 11, at 11:00 AM at the Community Presbyterian Church on 125 Everett Rd, in Pinehurst. The Presentation of the Colors will be done by the Pinecrest High School JROTC Color Guard. The event […]
Sandhills SAR Chapter Veterans Day Observations
Sandhills SAR Chapter Veterans Day Observations Saturday Nov. 6th. Veterans Memorial Park, Carthage, NC Members of the Sandhills SAR Chapter participated in the Veterans Memorial Ceremony by placing a Memorial wreath and displaying the Chapter SAR Flag. A big Thank You to Sandhills SAR Compatriot - Tommy Bolton Jr. for his generous donation to purchase [...]
November 16th Chapter Meeting
Our November Chapter Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16th, 6:00 PM at the Pinehurst Village Chapel Hall. Due to the construction at the Village Chapel, please park in the municipal lot behind the chapel. As part of our Veterans Day Observances, our guest speaker will be Michael Dorman, Executive Director of the Military Missions in […]
Union Pines High School JROTC Cadet Marco Nunez awarded the 2021 SAR JROTC Outstanding Cadet Award
Union Pines High School JROTC Cadet Marco Nunez awarded the 2021 SAR JROTC Outstanding Cadet Award On September 15, 2021, Members of the Sandhills SAR Chapter visited an assembly of the Union Pines High School Navy JROTC Unit to award the SAR JROTC 2021 Outstanding Cadet award to Cadet Marco Nunez. The JROTC Unit was [...]
Barney Clapp – Revolutionary War Patriot Grave Marking
Barney Clapp – Revolutionary War Patriot Grave Marking. On October 23, 2021, Compatriots from the Sandhills SAR Chapter joined compatriots from other chapters of the North Carolina SAR Society, to present a Memorial Wreath and participated in the Piedmont Color Guard Ceremony for the Guilford Battle DAR Chapter Grave Marking Ceremony for Revolutionary War Patriot [...]
Moore County Veterans Park Ceremony – Saturday 11-6 – 11:00 AM
Please plan to attend the Veterans Day Memorial Ceremony at the Veterans Park in Carthage. Saturday November 6th, 11:00 AM. It will be great to have good SAR Representation from our Sandhills chapter. The Sandhills SAR Chapter will be presenting a Wreath to Honor and Remember all of our American Veterans. Sincere thanks to Sandhills [...]
Chapter Meeting – Oct. 19th
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, We will be holding our next Chapter Meeting on Tuesday October 19th at 6:00 PM at the Pinehurst Village Chapel Hall. The speaker for this Business meeting is President of the Marquis de LaFayette SAR Chapter, Rod Mullen. Rod will presentation will be "Funding the American Revolution". This should be a very [...]
Shaw House Heritage Fair
On October 9th, Compatriots from The Sandhills SAR Chapter were invited to attend The 13th Shaw House Heritage Fair, sponsored by the Moore County Historical Association. We had the pleasure of meeting many fine folks that stopped by to ask questions about the Sons of the American Revolution and to discuss the Revolutionary War events [...]
Welcome Compatriot Entwistle
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, We learned today that the SAR Application for James M. Entwistle of Rockingham, NC was Approved on October 10, 2021. The Entwistle family's Revolutionary War Patriot is Walter Leake. Compatriot James M. Entwistle Congratulations and Welcome to the Sandhills SAR Chapter! Also, The SAR Application for Sandhills Associate member, Stephen Gent of [...]
Old North State Newsletter
Sandhills Compatriots, Please see the latest News from the State Society Secretary, Bob Sigmon, that contains the link to the Fall Edition of the Old North State Newsletter from the North Carolina SAR State Society. http://ncssar.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Oct21.issue_.pages.all_.pdf Breaking News: This newsletter contains the announcement from the National SAR Society regarding the decision (Fall Leadership Conference) that [...]
Sandhills Chapter 1st year Charter Anniversary Dinner
Fellow Sandhills Chapter Compatriots, I wanted to share some highlights and pictures from our Sandhills Chapter 1st year Charter Anniversary Dinner last Tuesday. This was a very enjoyable and interesting evening for us all. We proudly inducted and welcomed three new SAR Compatriots into our chapter. We are so happy to see all the SAR [...]
13th Shaw House Heritage Fair – Saturday October 9th
On Saturday, October 9th, our Sandhills SAR Chapter will attend this historic and patriotic event at the 13th Shaw House Heritage Fair in Southern Pines. See the Announcement below. This will be a great opportunity for us to meet, interact with the public, and inform them about the principles, mission, and goals of the SAR. [...]
Sandhills Chapter Compatriot Rod Herbig conducts US Flag Etiquette Class
On September 28th 2021, Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriot and Chapter Vice President Rod Herbig conducted a US Flag Etiquette class at the Yates-Thagard Baptist Church in Carthage, NC with 30 Children of the Christian Home Educators of Moore County. Compatriot Herbig presented the origin and history of the US Flag, its evolution during the Revolutionary [...]
2022 Annual SAR Dues Season
October 1st marks the beginning of our 2022 annual SAR dues season. We will be sending out the 2022 dues notices to all our Sandhills Compatriots. Please help us expedite this process by promptly returning your completed 2022 dues forms with your check. Your annual dues and chapter contributions help us fund our area SAR […]
Sandhills SAR Chapter – First Anniversary Dinner
Sandhills SAR Chapter First Anniversary Dinner September 21nd, 2021 Pine Crest Inn 50 Dogwood Road, Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-6121 We are pleased to invite you to the First Anniversary Dinner for the Sandhills Chapter. We expect another special evening. Please feel free to bring your spouse/guest. Included are the meal selections and evening details. If […]
House in the Horseshoe SAR Event
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, Our Sandhills Chapter SAR, led by Secretary Mike Fusselbaugh, completed a very successful first NCSSAR (In-Person and Virtual) event at the 240th Anniversary of House in the Horseshoe Battle at the Alston House on August 7th. I want to thank Mike for his outstanding job of extensive planning and executing our program [...]
Sandhills SAR Chapter Continues to Grow!
Good Morning Compatriots, Sandhills SAR Chapter Continues to Grow. Today we learned that the SAR application for Victor Burns of Carthage, NC, has been approved! Congratulations Compatriot Burns! Victor’s family Revolutionary War Patriot is Nathan Alexander Stedman III. Patriot Stedman was born and lived in Ashford of Windham County, CT. He enlisted in the Continental […]
July Chapter Meeting
Fellow Compatriots, Sandhills SAR Chapter continues to grow. At our July 20th Chapter meeting, we conducted a SAR Induction Ceremony for Sandhills Compatriot Hayden Fogle of Aberdeen, NC. Hayden is currently serving on active duty in the USAF. Hayden's family Revolutionary War Patriot is Pvt. John Miller who served in the Maryland Militia. Please welcome [...]
Sandhills SAR Chapter SAR Induction for Hayden Fogle
Fellow Compatriots, Sandhills SAR Chapter continues to grow. At our July 20th Chapter meeting, we conducted a SAR Induction Ceremony for Sandhills Compatriot Hayden Fogle of Aberdeen, NC. Hayden is currently serving on active duty in the USAF. Hayden's family Revolutionary War Patriot is Pvt. John Miller who served in the Maryland Militia. Please welcome [...]
House in the Horseshoe – Sandhills Volunteers Needed
Sandhills Compatriots and Associates, The House in the Horseshoe Ceremony is quickly approaching and it looks like we will need the involvement of many chapter members to pull this off. As you know, the HIH ceremony is a “state” event for the SAR that was previously handled by the Le Marquis de Lafayette Chapter. Since [...]
Sandhills SAR Chapter continues to Grow!
Fellow SandHills SAR Chapter Compatriots, Sandhills SAR Chapter continues to Grow! It’s my pleasure to inform Philip Mosley and Logan Wall that their SAR membership applications were approved on July 2nd, by the NSSAR!. Please offer your congratulations to them when you see them. Also, Sandhills Chapter Associate, James Entwistle’s SAR application has been received […]
247th Anniversary of Fairfax Resolves
The Fairfax Resolves Chapter of the Virginia Society, SAR cordially Invites You to Participate in the 247th Anniversary of the adoption of the Fairfax Resolves including remote Color Guard participation and wreath presentations via Zoom. The ceremony will take place at historic Pohick Church (9301 Richmond Hwy, Lorton VA 22079) on Saturday, July 17 at […]
June 2021 Dinner Meeting
Fellow Sandhills Compatriots, The Sandhills SAR Chapter held our June Dinner Meeting at the Pine Crest Inn on June 22nd. (Please see the attached pictures) Our June dinner was very well attended with DAR representatives from 3 DAR Chapters. DAR Chapters Represented; General Henry William Harrington Chapter - Rockingham, The Alfred Moore Chapter (Southern Pines), [...]