Fellow Sandhills Chapter Compatriots,
I wanted to share some highlights and pictures from our Sandhills Chapter 1st year Charter Anniversary Dinner last Tuesday. This was a very enjoyable and interesting evening for us all.
We proudly inducted and welcomed three new SAR Compatriots into our chapter. We are so happy to see all the SAR interest in our area grow and welcome all future associates.
* Victor Burns, Patriot – Nathan Alexander Stedman III
* Philip Mosely, Patriot – James Hawkridge Mozley
* Logan Wall – Patriot – Nelson Gibson
We also welcome Compatriot Mark Townsend who transferred into the Sandhills Chapter from his previous SAR Chapter in Connecticut.
We welcome these new Compatriots to our Sandhills Chapter and look forward to them joining us on our patriotic committee program goals.
We also had many important guests from our DAR chapter partners and one Special NSSAR Society Officer. SAR Compatriot, COL US Army (Ret.), Pat Neimann, The NSSAR Vice President General of the South Atlantic District attended our dinner and presented greetings from the National Society. Compatriot Pat Niemann will soon be moving to the Pinehurst area and joining the Sandhills Chapter. Please welcome Pat to our Chapter, when you see him at our future meetings.
We especially appreciated the presence of two of our area DAR guests.
We look forward to our future collaboration with these DAR Chapters to expand our patriotic program presence in North Carolina.
Everyone really enjoyed the program presented by our speaker, Trent Carter’s interpretation of General Charles Cornwallis. Gen.Cornwallis recapped the British Southern Campaign during the American Revolution. As a prior history professor, Trent has an impressive grasp of the facts about the American Revolution and revealed many interesting facts. His program was very entertaining and very informative.
This was also a great opportunity for us to present some SAR Service Awards and recognize our Sandhills Compatriots. Congratulations to the following Sandhills Compariots.
* Compatriot Neil Smith of Laurinburg,NC 5 Year SAR Service Award (9-09-16)
* Compatriot E. Paul Herrington of Pinehurst, NC, 35 year SAR Service Award (10-23-1986)
We had the sincere pleasure to award the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal and Certificate to Sandhills Compatriot and Chapter Secretary Mike Fusselbaugh for his Outstanding and Dedicated Service to The Sandhills Chapter and the NC State Society.
Mike was a strong cornerstone while forming the Sandhills SAR Chapter to receive our SAR Charter, his leadership serving as our Chapter Secretary, and for chairing our House in the Horseshoe Committee Patriotic Event in August. We thank him very much for his Outstanding Service to the Sandhills Chapter and look forward to his leadership in the future.
I hope that you all enjoyed seeing just a few of our pictures from September 21st dinner. I hope that you all will Visit and Follow our NEW Sandhills Website at www.sandhillssar.org and our NEW Facebook Page at Sandhill Chapter SAR to view more of our pictures and for future announcements..
I have attached our Dinner Program for more details about this celebration.
Fraternally Yours, Bruce Fensley – Sandhills SAR Chapter – President