Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Sandhills Chapter Compatriot, Army Maj. (Ret.) Charles Spelman, of Seven Lakes, designed and built several containers to collect retired weather-worn U.S. flags that are no longer a satisfactory emblem to display. Spelman is also chairman of the Sandhills SAR Chapter Veterans Recognition Committee.
One these containers was placed in the lobby of the Moore County Agricultural Building, located in Carthage, near the Veterans Services Office. Another container was placed at the entrance to the Veterans Memorial Park, also in Carthage. A third container was recently placed near the front of the Southern Pines Finance Building entrance, next to the Southern Pines Post Office.
Worn U.S. flags should never be disposed of in trash collections. Instead, the flag when it is no longer fitting for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Thus far, 74 weather-worn U.S. flags have been folded and deposited in one of the SAR Flag Retirement program containers. These flags are then collected by the Sandhills SAR Chapter Compatriots and provided to local funeral homes and crematoriums and made available to the families for our fallen veterans.

From left, Sandhills Compatriots Maj. (Ret.) Chuck Spelman, Bruce Fensley and Cory Albers, assistant public works director for Southern Pines, with the Respectful Flag Retirement Receptacle in Southern Pines.